Posts in Horror
7 Things You Didn't Know About Wendigos

A person infected by the evil Wendigo spirit may become withdrawn from society, and slowly descend into a hungering madness. Driven to seclusion and hatred, the victim is overwhelmed by an insatiable greed and appetite. The combination of ruthlessness, selfishness, and hunger cause the afflicted to eventually turn to cannibalism. Once a person has feasted on the flesh of their fellow human, there is no going back…

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What is a Creepypasta?

There was a period where Creepypastas were so popular and prevalent that the community became thickly saturated in content, for better or worse. Many people came up with spooky stories that were either bad on purpose (eventually creating its own spinoff story style Trollpastas), jokes, or twisted tales based on pop culture…

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